
Wedding Emergency Kit! Muprphy Loves Weddings!

You know MURPHY (the one with the "LAW)" HE loves weddings!

After many years in the wedding business I have seen just about every kind of emergency, big and small, that can pop up during the course of a wedding reception.  About 10 years ago I began carrying a Wedding Emergency Survival Kit with me to help out in case any of the typical scenarios (and some not so typical) happened at one of my weddings.  The kit was so useful that for a time we actually sold a modified version on the web.  I stopped producing the commercial version but I still carry all of the following with me JUST IN CASE!  In preparation for the upcoming wedding season I did an inventory.  Here's what's in the kit right now......

Small sewing kit
Assorted Safety pins
Small scissors
Small can of hair spray
Hair pins
Lint Brush
Cotton swabs
Band aids
Small snacks
Breath mints
Packaged Hair Brush
Small portable mirror
Hand lotion
Spot remover
Sanitary Napkins
Clear nail polish
Nail file
Nail clippers
Extra earring backs
Baby wipes
Shoe polish
Scotch tape
Crazy Glue
Black Socks
White/Nude Panty Hose
5 "mini"umbrellas
Packaged Cake Knife & Server set
White Garter
Corsage/Boutonniere  Pins
Pens / Paper
Multi-Tool (Screw driver, pliers, knife, etc)
Bulldog clips
Sharpie Marker
Small Fake Flower Bouquet

Mini Coloring books/crayons
Several simple small "toys"
Ass't Batteries (9v, AA, AAA)
Ball of String
Spool of fishing line

It's all there in one big duffel bag and ready at a moments notice! Many of these items are one time use and they are replaced after they serve their purpose. I get lot's of this stuff at dollar stores because in a pinch you don't need a top of the line solution you just need a solution...period!

Let em KNOW!  

The key to the whole thing is making sure my clients know that I have this gear with me.  I usually like to mention it to the Mother of the Bride, Maid of Honor and Best Man too so that very little time is spent "searching" for a solution to a problem so time isn't lost from the party.

I have used EVERY item on that list at least once at some event and many made their way onto the list when a situation arose that I was not prepared for at the time.  I expect that many more items will find their way into my Emergency Kit and that's just fine with me!

So am I missing something?  Got a recommendation for something I can add?   Let me know!

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