Today I found just such a website with just such a list. The website is Elegala.com. They have compiled a practical list of the Top 10 Ways to Save on Wedding Costs
If you are looking for honest and practical ways to cut costs without sacrificing your dreams there's a good place to start.
I would echo the advice of Tip #4 Enlist a Pro and extend it past a wedding coordinator and on to your wedding entertainer. Hire your professional coordinator to help you to get discounts from vendors and on goods. Then hire a professional Wedding Entertainer to execute the plan that you and the coordinator worked so hard to get just right. Putting a perfect plan, in the hands of an amateur or "weekend" DJ is akin to handing a kid a loaded rifle and telling him to go get supper. Unless you have a really rare kid, you'll be pretty hungry that night, or worse.
Ok that may not be the most elegant analogy but you can see what I am going for here. Don't gamble with the investment you have made in your reception however big or small. Hire a Professional Wedding Entertainer and then enjoy your reception knowing that everything will be handled just the way you wanted it to.
Quick Stat:
FYI - The parent company of the above referenced blog is Hawthorn Publications. While I agree with the wisdom expressed in this particular article I find elements of Hawthorn's business practices distasteful bordering on illegal. Hawthorn solicits Catering Halls and offers to create a "book" for them which showcases their venue and their preferred vendors. There is no charge to the venue from this book. All the venue has to do is give the salesperson from Hawthorn their "preferred" vendor list. The sales person contacts the vendors on the list and offers them advertising in this book for anywhere from $250 - $2000 or more depending on size of ad and location of venue. If vendors do not pay they are no longer considered "recommended" or "preferred" Not because they're no longer the best choice but simply because they wouldn't PAY for the referral. I'm pretty sure here in NY State that this violates Rico racketeering laws but I don't rely on venues for referrals so I haven't looked too far into it. I get 99% of my referrals from PREVIOUS CLIENTS! My Brides & Grooms are AWESOME and they recommend me directly to their friends. I don't pay them for this word of mouth advertising. They receive nothing from me for referring their friends. So why do they do it? I guess you'd have to ask them. I prefer to believe that it's because they want their friends to get EXACTLY the kind of attention that they received when I DJ'd for them. My clients are THE BEST! Thank you all for allowing me to be your DJ in the past and for referring me to your friends. I work as hard as I do for each and every one of you and I promise that will always be the case for the friends your send to me!! - J
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